725 W. LaVeta Ave, Ste. 220, Orange, CA
Office Hours
7:30am - 4:30pm (Mon-Fri)
Office Number
(714) 771-5700
(714) 771-9977

Family Planning

Learn more about how we can help

Pregnancy & Endocrine Conditions

It is an exciting time to consider expanding one’s family and we are pleased to say that we work closely with our colleagues in obstetrics to assist in pregnancy related endocrine conditions. There are numerous conditions that require careful monitoring during pregnancy, including but not limited to thyroid disease, adrenal and pituitary disease, and diabetes to name a few. We help not only in the diagnostic aspects of these conditions but in their management as well. On occasion, when a couple is challenged with fertility, we also help in the diagnostic and treatment aspects of infertility. This can range from infertility caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome, premature ovarian failure or early menopause in women to low testosterone levels or low sperm count in men.

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Our mission is to provide both excellent medical care and easy access to medical information.

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We are pleased to now offer the novel technique of Radiofrequency Ablation for thyroid nodules